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DFS DS Scotch and Ginger Ale Cocktail

DFS Prep Table
Slot - Item
1 - DFS DS Stoneys Scotch
2 - DFS Soda - Ginger Ale Single
3 - DFS Lemon Wedges

Time : 00:05:00
6 Uses - 10 EP/use - 1 XP

DFS DS Stoneys Scotch

DFS Fermenter
Slot - Item
1 - DFS Cleaned Barley
2 - DFS Water Bucket
3 - DFS Yeast
4 - DFS Wheat Basket
5 - DFS Ground Cinnamon

Time : 168:00:00
6 Uses - 20 EP/use - 1 XP

DFS Old Fashioned

DFS Prep Table
Slot - Item
1 - DFS Sliced Oranges
2 - DFS PD Maraschino Cherries
3 - DFS Sugar
4 - DFS Herb - Herb Basket
(Same as DFS Herb)
5 - DFS Ice Cubes
6 - DFS DS Stoneys Scotch
7 - DFS Soda Pop - Lime

Time : 00:03:20
4 Uses - 30 EP/use - 1 XP

DFS Scotch Sour

DFS Prep Table
Slot - Item
1 - DFS DS Stoneys Scotch
2 - DFS Lemon Wedges
3 - DFS Syrup
4 - DFS Egg Basket
5 - DFS Ice Cubes

Time : 00:05:00
2 Uses - 46 EP/use - 1 XP

Daily Recipe

DFS Coloring Book - Iris and Dragonfly (EXTRA XP)

DFS Carpentry Desk
Slot - Item
2 - DFS Stash Book Scrap Kit
5 - DFS Flowers - Chive Basket
8 - DFS Paper

Time : 00:05:00
1 Use - 2 XP