Dish of the Month: Mellys Shepherds Pie


It is a good time to start a nice fire in the hearth, and sit down to a warm filling meal, in the Dish of the Month:  Mellys Shepherds Pie, which is filled with fresh vegetable and farm grown quality beef and topped with a layer of mouthwatering cheese!

[1] DFS Mellys Shepherds Pie (Limited Time)

DFS Oven Slot – Item

1 – DFS Ground Beef

2 – DFS Egg

3 – DFS Mashed Potatoes

7 – DFS Raw Onion

8 – DFS Carrot

9 – DFS Cheese

Time : 00:02:10:

1 Use – 41 EP/use – 1 XP

Ends: 2017-10-31

Please be sure to check for exciting new recipes.