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DFS Runefalls Turporken Dinner Plate

DFS Prep Table
Slot - Item
1 - DFS Runefalls Turporken
2 - DFS Corn On The Cob Platter
3 - DFS Dinner Rolls
4 - DFS Glazed Carrot Dish
(Can use DFS TG Glazed Carrot Dish)
5 - DFS Mac N Cheese
6 - DFS Garden Salad
7 - DFS Wooden Pole

Time : 00:00:30
1 Use - 115 EP/use - 1 XP

DFS PD Roast Pork Dinner

DFS Oven
Slot - Item
1 - DFS Grilled Porkchops
3 - DFS Glazed Carrot Dish
(Can use DFS TG Glazed Carrot Dish)
5 - DFS PD Country Style Green Beans
6 - DFS Pea Basket
7 - DFS Roast Potatoes
9 - DFS Broccoli Basket

Time : 00:05:00
4 Uses - 26 EP/use - 1 XP

DFS PD Chicken and mushroom pie Plate

DFS Prep Table
Slot - Item
1 - DFS PD Chicken and mushroom pie
2 - DFS Mashed Potato Dish
3 - DFS Glazed Carrot Dish
(Can use DFS TG Glazed Carrot Dish)

Time : 00:01:00
1 Use - 80 EP/use - 1 XP

DFS Glazed Carrot Dish
(Can use DFS TG Glazed Carrot Dish)

DFS Oven
Slot - Item
1 - DFS Carrot Basket
2 - DFS Carrot Basket
3 - DFS Carrot Basket
4 - DFS Sugar
5 - DFS Butter
6 - DFS Herb - Herb Basket
(Same as DFS Herb)
7 - DFS Ground Cinnamon

Time : 00:10:00
4 Uses - 15 EP/use - 1 XP

Daily Recipe

DFS Artisan Spinach Pizzas (EXTRA XP)

DFS Oven
Slot - Item
1 - DFS Spinach Basket
2 - DFS Herb - Garlic Basket
(Same as DFS Herb - Garlic)
3 - DFS Herb - Herb Basket
(Same as DFS Herb)
4 - DFS Cheese
5 - DFS Sauce - Tomato
6 - DFS Basic Dough

Time : 00:05:00
4 Uses - 18 EP/use - 2 XP