We have more yummy Halloween Party goodies for you!


Let’s start with our hearty DFS HW Witchy Burger! Packed with choice “A” beef and homegrown Goblin eyes! We add a serving of Wicked Old Hag Witch Fingers to give it that extra thumbs up quality. We finish off the meal with two awesome new desserts! Yummy and fluffy DFS HW Meringues Ghost Cookies, which are filled with creamy sweet goodness. Our DFS HW Ghost Pops will have you in tears! Well, DFS HW Ghost Tears, that is! Each DFS HW Ghost Pops are filled with tasty pumpkins and 3 creamy icings.

Enjoy our delicious new additions to our Halloween line up! Fire up the Cauldron, and party Halloween style!


New Release Items:

DFS HW Ghost Pop Tray, 6 servings of DFS HW Ghost Pops, each serving; Eat energy 1

DFS HW Witchy Burger Stand, 4 servings of DFS HW Witchy Burgers, each serving: Eat energy 20

DFS HW Meringues Ghost Platter, 4 servings of DFS HW Meringues Ghost Cookies, each serving: Eat energy 20

DFS HW Witchs Magic Tea Box, 4 servings

DFS HW Pure Distilled Ghoulaid, 2 uses, Eat Energy: 5

DFS HW Ghost Tears Extract, 2 uses, Eat Energy: 5

DFS HW Wicked Old Hag Witch Fingers, 2 uses, Eat Energy: 5